23rd May, 2017
Build 2017 & .NET Standard For Mobile Developers Roundup
This talk was one I presented at the Queensland C# Mobile Developers Meetup group in Brisbane about what I'd learnt at Build 2017 in Seattle about in regards to Mobile Development (Xamarin/UWP). I also spoke about .NET Standard 2.0 and how it is the next generation of Portable Class Libraries. View Slides
5th December, 2015
Become A One Person DevOps Team With Visual Studio Team Services
This talk was one I presented at the DDDBrisbane 2015 conference about how I use Visual Studio Team Services to help me manage the DevOps processes of the team I work on. Technical difficulties on the day of the presentation meant my demos didn't work correctly, so I've re-recorded the presentation with working demos :)
28th July, 2015
Setting Up A Continuous Build Environment For Xamarin
This talk was about setting up a continuous build environment for Xamarin solutions. It details how to up a Jenkins server to build Xamarin apps and then details how to use the new 'Build.vNext' technology on Visual Studio Online and Team Foundation Server 2015 to build Xamarin apps.
This was the first public talk that I've given. There is no screen capture available for this talk, but detailed blog posts about these topics are available.
Part 1 - Jenkins
Part 2 - Build.vNext
Banner image (modified): © Johannes Jansson / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.5 DK